Monday, May 31, 2010

Gone are those days...

Its been a long time that I took a break...
Its the same old faces everyday... that early morning race.. same old work. Its so nice to get away from all these for a while. Its so nice to be not reachable.. no one to disturb u.. no worries.. just eat all ur favs and lay back n enjoy your days. Ahhh ahh.. I feel so relaxed by just imagining that.

I remember my days, where we used to go to grandma's place for 2 months for summer holidays. Just Play Eat and Sleep and forget school :). Steal mangoes from neighbours farm and all those funfilled games and naughty pranks. On top of it grandma's pampering. How nice :) . I never realised till today that it was so good. I really miss those days.
I wish I could go somewhere like that right now.
I miss it all :(

Friday, May 28, 2010


Today I read a strip where calvin forgets to do his homework - insect collection. I love that naughty guy.. I love his pranks:).. lovely character... its none other then Calvin
Clavin and hobbes is the best comic strip . Calvin, a six year old boy who has no friends and no extracurricular activities; The only people he ever sees are his parents...a highly precocious and adventurous kid who's only buddy is Hobbes(his stuffed tiger) amuses people with his pranks.
While on the way to school his frnd reminds about the homework.
He says he forgot. Thinking that he has forgot to carry it to school, she pushes him towards his way to home and asks him to get it soon before the school bus arrives. As soon as calvin starts to collect instects lying around him - dead or alive, she realises that he has completely forgot to do his homework. Before he cud collect the insects, bus arrives and they reach school. For all his work that he did , he expects to get a 'D' grade instead of 'F'. He doesnt stop his pranks even after reaching school. He bugs his frnd to give glue to paste those insects before his teacher asks for his homewrk. His teacher notices his friend and punishes her instead of him. But still he is not guilty abt what he did... he says ' he tried to make her quite and she was distracting him'.

Those humorous antics of Calvin amuse people. Its kind of refreshing for me to read those strips. It makes me laugh loud. Thankful to what Bill Watterson has done.. hatssoff to his imagination. I wish that it comes back.
I always wish to have collection of Calvin and Hobbes comic

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Enjoy Little Things...

Who doesn’t wait for Friday’s? A day that everyone wants to celebrate.. A day that everyone looks forward in a week.

I especially wait for this day to just go on a walk…eat junk food…watch movies till midnight and chit chat with my sis and cousin. Friday's are colorful and u find happy faces everywhere. After all it’s the last working day of the week. The day that everybody wants to enjoy and take a break from their daily work. 
Our Friday schedule always included a long walk, eating you what you like and shopping what you love. We loved being independent and doing things our self and not having anybody to restrict.

Celebrate the fact that you are alive.. there are no second chances. Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. Have fun !! :)

Ray of Hope!!!

It was 'My Day' to LOOK GOOD… FEEL IMPORTANT and BE HAPPY :) . 

Most awaited day of my Life! A day to be remembered and cherished. The day I got engaged.
Everyone has his/her part of love waiting for them. So, have patience and wait for the right time and right one to come. It's my personal experience :).
Things that belong to you can never be taken away by others... so, don’t loose hope n ' patience.Enjoy and live 'sweet moments' of life.
Live in present, don’t regret your past and dream about future :)

Tring Tring....

I am one of those girls who doesnt like to carry heavy brick with me always and dont like to answer everybody all the time.. wondering wht it is? well im speaking about cell phone.

What are basic necessities of life? That's really an easy question to answer. A person requires food, water, clothing, and shelter to survive but there's onemore in the list these days... that's the cell phone.

I like being completely unavailable sometimes and dont like being available 24 hours a day. That's the whole point of going out. Being able to stay intouch is fine but making it a basic necessity with out which you cannot live is not acceptable.I hate those phone rings.......

Hello World!!!

Inspired by my Sweet Sis... I had thought of writing the blog long back but never published it.I always wanted to express my feelings. Why not? Let me give a 'TRY' .. A new start a new beginning :)